
Illustration Revisit

Hello reader, in this post I am going to share with you a bit of process on a revisit I’m working on. For one of my classes, I am required to take one of my previous illustration projects and make it better. I’ve only done a little bit of work so far as I haven’t had much time, but I’m geared into the right direction and have a plan which I am following.

On that note, when doing projects of any sort MAKE A PLAN. It will make the project so much easier as you have already set out what needs to be done. What I need to do for my revisit has to deal with typography, layout, a hierarchy, and illustration itself. My goal is to turn a good portfolio piece into a great portfolio piece.

When I first started working on the revisit I was going in circles. I would take one of my illustrated elements and move it, resize it, move it back, and ultimately go nowhere. It was quite frustrating really. I then clued in to what I was doing and worked on my plan instead.

Here are a few pieces of process work I have so far:

how_to road road2

The scenic pictures of what’s supposed to be a road look kinda rough ‘eh? Well they’re just outlines of what the final is going to be. I’m going to bring them into Photoshop and simulate a watercolour effect. This picture here is an example of what the final scene picture will look like:


This image went through the same process of what I’m going to do with the others.

Well, that’s all for this post. Hopefully all you designers are making and following plans as well. Or maybe you go through a different process? Share a comment and let me know!

’til next time!

– John