

Hello reader,

This is my last blog post as part of the blog assignment for my class. There were a few points as to why blogging is a good thing for graphic designers, or anyone really. These reasons are: we get to practice researching a topic and providing evidence for our opinions, an improvement of writing skills, engagement with a greater community, development of an online profile, and an opportunity for self reflection on our learning.

Originally when starting this blog assignment I was thinking “Oh great, more homework. As if we won’t have enough already”. I thought this would be a nuisance. The further into the assignment though I realized how this could actually help me, and help me it did (as listed in the opening paragraph here). The idea of writing is still kind of scary for me, as it isn’t something I really like to do. To be honest though I think this blogging assignment did help with my writing skills. The most challenging part of this assignment was finding time to sit down for awhile to research and write these blog posts.

I think I will keep this blog going but posts will be less frequent. I’ll make sure that they are good posts though! Let’s just say quality over quantity.

Well reader, hopefully you got something out of this assignment as well. Perhaps you learned something useful from one of my previous posts to add to your bag of skills.

’til next time though, John